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HomeWordpress PluginsAutomatorWP Pro 4.4.4 - Automation Plugin for WordPress

AutomatorWP Pro 4.4.4 – Automation Plugin for WordPress

AutomatorWP Pro 4.4.4 - Automation Plugin for WordPress

AutomatorWP connects your WordPress plugins and puts them to work together. Save time and money automating tasks with no code.

Demo AutomatorWP WordPress Plugin

AutomatorWP WordPress Plugin Features

  • WooCommerce
    When user purchases a product
  • WooCommerce
    and reviews it with a rating of 5
  • WordPress
    Email user with a discount code
  • WP Fusion
    and add a tag to the user
  • Youtube
    When user watches a video
  • H5P
    and completes a H5P content
  • LearnDash
    Enroll user in a course
  • Memberpress
    and add membership to the user
  • BuddyPress
    When user joins a group
  • bbPress
    and creates a new forum topic
  • GamiPress
    Award a rank to the user
  • Zapier
    and send data to Zapier

Download AutomatorWP WordPress Plugin

Note: If you are having trouble with Free AutomatorWP WordPress Plugin, try to disable AD blocking for the site or try another Web Browser. If disabling AD blocker or change Web Browser not help to you please contact us.


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