LaraClassified is the most powerful Classified Ads Web Application in the market. An Open Source and modulable classified app having a fully responsive design. It is packed with lots of features.
Demo LaraClassified PHP Scripts
LaraClassified PHP Scripts Features
- Social Networks Login
- Homepage Customization
- Frameworks: Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery, VueJS
- Turn ON/OFF Ads activation Option
- Ready to use
- Contact page
- Unlimited Colors
- Clean and Modern Design
- Blacklist
- Well commented code.
- Custom Fields
- Multiple Languages Available
- Facebook comment integrated
- Google Adsense integrated
- SMS Notifications
- Resend Mail or SMS verification feature
- ReCaptcha integrated
- SEO optimized
- Built with PHP/MySQL & HTML5/CSS3
- Website Sitemap page
- Easy to use. Only 2 minutes to install it.
- Fully Responsive
- PayPal Integrated
- Front End Listing Submission
- Email Notifications
- List of countries page
- Turn ON/OFF User account activation Option
- Geo location supported
- Protecting the users phone number against crawler
- Multi Currencies
- Support for RTL direction
- RSS feeds generator
- CMS for Static pages
- Plans/Packages
- Google XML Sitemap
- Allow guests to post an ad without being logged
- Google Maps integrated
- Website backup
- Twilio and Nexmo APIs integration
- Messaging System between Sellers & Buyers integrated
- Users, Roles and Permissions System
Download LaraClassified Scripts
Note: If you are having trouble with LaraClassified Plugin Free , try to disable AdBlock for the site or try another Web Browser. If disabling AD blocker or change Web Browser not help to you please contact us.
Please update to 16.0.1
Отображается ошибка при установке кто знает почему ??????
Internal Server Error
Undefined variable $messages
In the: /app/Http/Controllers/Web/Install/InstallController.php file at line: 300
add following line anywhere before the line 300
$messages = $messages ?? [];
after installing it says “Invalid purchase code. The code must be 36 characters (including dashes).” // app/Http/Middleware/Install/CheckPurchaseCode.php:74
can anyone tell me how to nulled that part
file not found
“this fileis not working”