WP Telegram Pro multiple Bots You can add multiple bots to use for different modules and channels. For example, you can use one bot for Post to Telegram and another for notifications. You can even use separate bot for each channel.
WP Telegram Pro Features
- Multiple Bots (as many as you want)
- Processing of incoming bot updates
- Easy to install and set up for the admin
- Support for Telegram custom emojis
- Support for both long polling and webhook
- Use only the module(s) you want/need
- Fully customizable with actions and filters
- Multiple Instances (as many as you want).
- Multiple Message Templates based upon category, tag, author, post type, custom taxonomy etc.
- Inline keyboard for messages on Telegram.
- Send posts instantly to Telegram from post list.
- Filter posts by post, category, tag, author, custom post type, custom taxonomy etc.
- Supports separate bot for each channel.
- Supports Conditional logic for fields in Message Template
- Advanced text formatting options and custom emojis
- Multiple Channels/chats based upon category, tag, author, post type, custom taxonomy etc.
- Built-in Reaction and URL buttons.
- Custom (your own)Â Reaction and URL buttons.
- Direct support for Advanced Custom Fields’ text fields.
- Explicit support for WooCommerce product fields.
- Supports sending featured image along with the text.
- Messages can be delayed by a set duration.
- You can send audios, videos, documents along with the messages.
- Supports Multiple email to Telegram chat combinations.
- Supports WooCommerce order notifications, Contact Form 7 and other plugin notifications.
- Supports BB Press forum notifications.
- Integrated with WP Telegram Login to let users connect their Telegram.
- Supports email attachments along with text.
- Supports separate bot for notifications.
- You can send instant messages to Telegram without creating posts.
- Supports both text and multi-media messages.
- You can send messages to your users who use Telegram login
- It supports the saved channels from Post to Telegram instances
- Supports proxy using Cloudflare worker, which supports file upload
- Supports proxy using Google Script.
- Supports all proxies supported by PHP
Download WP Telegram Pro
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